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COMAP'S High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) and Middle Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MidMCM) are international contests designed to provide high school and middle school/level students with the opportunity to work as team members to engage and improve their modeling, problem solving, and writing skills.

2025 marks the Twenty-Eighth HiMCM and the Fifth MidMCM. All students in high school grades or below can participate in the HiMCM. Students 14½ years or younger on the start date of the contest can participate in the MidMCM.

Teams from your school apply mathematics to model and develop a solution to a real-world problem. Each team can have up to four students and there is no limit on the number of teams a school can register for each contest. Some teachers use the contest as part of a mathematics or modeling course, some as an extracurricular math club activity, and some simply encourage student teams to participate just for fun. Please share this information with all mathematics teachers, as well as other high school and middle school/level educators (science, technology, engineering, etc.).

Previous HiMCM problems include:

  • Roller Coasters: Develop an Objective Ranking System
  • Drone Clusters as Sky Light Displays: Design an Aerial Drone Light Show
  • Shop and Ship: Optimal Placement of Warehouses for 1-Day Ground Shipping
  • Swim, Bike, and Run: Minimize Congestion and Road Closures for a Triathlon
  • Art Gallery Security: Determine Most Secure Configuration for an Art Exhibit

Teams will have a 14-day window in which to download and choose their problem, complete their modeling solution, and electronically submit their solution document to COMAP for centralized judging. We encourage you and your students to form one or more teams to represent your school in this prestigious international contest.

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